Genuinely we all love diamonds mostly women attraction which make them crazy when they find gift by loved ones. I usually have found many information related this and many questions and doubts which come before to take any decision while purchasing.This hesitation comes from lack of information and obviously its cost which always make the people to re-think about it before buy.

The first thing about diamond which helps to negotiate its price that is 4 C's. This term is used for describe a diamond and its features and specially it helps to fix the cost of a diamond. Any one of the things in these 4 C's is not according to given standard then it may affect the price drastically. 

These for 4 C's are - COLOR, CLARITY, CUT & CARAT. Today, the 4C's of diamond is the universal method of assessing the quality of any diamond, anywhere in the world.

Color is basically categorized in alphabetical forms from A- Z. This form of diamond grading is prepared by Gemological Institute of America.
This chart is specifically used for color grading in all over the world. This is one of the most important part of any diamonds because if color grading is low then it directly effects the diamond shine and brightness.
As a very few people know about diamond clarity because very certain information is shared on different sites. which information is given about diamond clarity that is a very limited. 
You can find many different inclusions which challenge to the clarity of diamond that may be in the form of broken diamond, Milky, Broken from pointer, Gerum & Nuts. These are few names which always have to check by grader while grading of clarity.

Usually this chart is used for the diamond clarity grading to make an understand customers about diamond clarity. This chart is used by different diamond grader institutions which you might have heard many institution names on diamond sites. This is a universal chart which is preferred by all jewellery shops or graders to certified diamonds and categorized diamond quality.
Diamond cut is one of the most important part of 4C's which always find in different shapes and sizes. Diamond miner get the raw form of diamond which cut and polished by professional experts, equipment & tools used for this.
  These are diamond cuts which specifically used while making diamond jewellery products. In all of these different cuts, round diamond cut or brilliant cut diamond is very famous all over the world because of its luster and shine.
These all diamond cuts have a perfect measurement which help to reflect hue into the diamonds. Round cut diamond has 58 facets ( including pointer).
This term is used in diamond for its weight; This specially used only in diamond sector for measuring. There are a calculation pattern which help to know about about diamonds.
0.25 cents   =     quarter cara
0.50 cents   =     1/2 Carat
100 cents    =     1 carat
1 Carat      =      200 milligram
5 Carat      =      1 gram
These are all the calculation used in diamonds for its valuation. Carat weight hugely effect its price and there are lot to know about the fluctuation of price just on the basis of weight  of a cent difference. 
in 1907, at the fourth general conference on weight & measures, it was agreed on the modern diamond carat should equal precisely 200 milligram. This is technically know as a " METRIC CARAT" and is the standard diamond carat weight that is used universally today. 

Two diamond of equal carat may have a very different cost based on other factor such as ( Cut, color & clarity).



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