Round Cut Diamond

Round Diamond:

Round diamond is one of the most famous diamond cut. It is known for its shine and glitter. It shine comes because of its ideal cut. It has total 58 facets. Most of the jewellers are used round cut diamond for jewellery products. There are many different shape of diamonds come which is used in jewellery with 18K but round cut is most brilliant cut in diamond.

The diamond solitaire can trace its origins back to Ancient Roman times,when gold bands were occasionally set with a single uncut diamond crystal. These crystals would have been acquired directly from Indian traders and were highly prized by the Romans,as exampled by Pliny in his Naturalis historius.

'The substance that possesses the greatest value, not only among the precious stones, but of all human possessions'.

Indian and Islamic jewellers  were the first to facets this gemstone and they did so by polishing the stones with a powder made from ground up diamonds of lesser quality. This technique eventually made its way to Europe, where it was first adopted by Venetian lapidaries in around 1330.

The earliest form of faceted diamond is known as Point cut which was formed by cleaving the crystal in half  and polishing it to achieve a four- sided pyramidal shape. This later evolved in to the table cut, individual stones were subsequently set in to closed back box collet settings and mounted on intricately carved shanks with fine enameling.

Discovered in the 1720s, Brazilian diamond deposits supplemented the dwindling supply of Indian stones and increased the availability of diamonds like never before. The Georgian period saw the introduction of silver set diamonds, most of often in closed back cut down setting  mounted on curved gold shanks, occasionally with diamond set shoulders. Technological advancements meant that diamonds could now be faceted in a variety of ways, predominantly as rose cut and old cuts.

In the Victorian era the solitaires grew even more elaborated, as goldsmiths experimented with richly carved settings and whimsical forms.As the century progressed, advancement in goldsmith allowed diamonds to be set in more delicate,open claw settings, whilst the discovery of major deposits in south Africa increased the availability of this precious stone.

There are many hidden truth which people do not know, as it not only shows royal highness but it also consider with other things which help people like:

1) A diamond give victory to he or she who carries it bound on his left arm, no matter the number of enemies.
2) Panics, Pestilences, enchantments, all fly before it; hence, it is good for sleepwalkers and the insane.
3) It deprives lodestone and magnets of their virtue (i.e., ability to attract iron). 

4) Arabic diamonds are said to attract iron greater than a magnet.

Because of their extraordinary physical properties, diamonds have been used symbolically since near the time of their first discovery. Perhaps the earliest symbolic use of diamonds was as the eye of Hindu.

Diamond where a lot to know it has a long history along with many different facts which belong to this. Which I just share a very short info with you related this. I hope you all guys like this info.  


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