Few diamond which comes in a different color that we know as a Fancy color diamond.  Those fancy diamond color comes in a Red, Pink, Orange, Light Brown, Dark Brown & Green.

Champagne diamond is one of the most famous in color diamonds, This diamond which comes in light brown to dark Brown color which is very famous in all over the world.
Round champane diamond

Earlier fancy diamonds were not so trendy in the market but now from few years champagne diamond have become more trendy and world recognized stone.

When Rio Tinto's Argyle Mine determined that nearly half of the stones in their deposits were brown, It was clear that some marketing tactics were required to alter consumer's perceptions about these color diamonds. They coined the term " "CHAMPAGNE DIAMONDS" which suggested an air of luxury, elegance, and affluence.
Diamond Ring
The word "Champagne" is not an official word or given by any laboratory. This is considered actually as a light brown, dark brown and fancy yellowish brown diamond or a similar phrase that indicates the hue and intensity. A different way of color grade scale specifically is devised by Argyle Mine which ranges from    C1 to C7
diamond grade

C1 to C2 are light Champagne, C3 to C4 are medium Champagne, C5 to C6 are Dark Champagne, and C7 is considered " COGNAC ".
Round BrownParcel

Champagne Diamond ring
"Cognac" diamond is more expensive than Champagne diamond which comes in grade from C1 to C6. Generally Champagne diamond is offered by seller as a low quality diamond in comparison with white diamond, but each stone has their own properties which make that special and different than others. Champagne has their own identity which is incomparable with any other stone that proves the increasing demand of the stone day by day. 

As we all know very well about "GOLDEN JUBLEE" which is a champagne  diamond. Weighing in at the whopping 545.67 carat (755 carats in the rough), it's the largest faceted diamond in the world, discovered in the South Africa's Cullinan Mine in 1985.
Diamond Jublee
Kind of Thailand

It was given to the King of Thailand 1997 to celebrate his reign. Before that is was known as "Unnamed Brown" its estimated to be worth between $5 million and $12 million. Another famous Champagne diamond is the GOLDEN PELICAN. This 69.93 carat stone, which was also discovered in South Africa, it is a rectangular emerald- cut. It has mounted in the 14K gold band, which was auctioned off by CHRISTINE's in the 1970. Its estimated value is approximately $3 million.
Brown 1

Champagne Diamonds may be substantially more affordable than white diamonds, but they are natural diamonds are display all the virtues of diamond. It's Moh's scale hardness is 10".


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